Tuesday 20 October 2015

Creating my Character

When designing my character, I was unsure of how to show her. I knew my character had been the victim of an acid attack by an ex-partner, and that the wound was going to be around 6 months old, but I didn't know whether she would have attempted use makeup to try and cover the burn, or whether she would have even been using makeup at all. So I decided to create two face charts to show my ideas.

FaceChart 1-

This is my first idea of my character. I have decided that she would have used makeup. She has decided to use makeup deviate the eye from the burn, so that people will not stare at her. She wants to look like she used to, so in an attempt to do this, she has used makeup. When the viewer looked at my character, I wanted them to look at her and think 'she's pretty', then see the burn, to provoke an emotional response from the viewer. This girl has been disfigured for the rest of her life, and looking at her on one side of the face, she looks like every other girl, but on the other, you can clearly see her scars. I want the viewer to be educated of acid burns, and also sympathise with the character. For this look I chose a classic smokey eye, with a subtle lip and contour, as these are very fashionable with women during this time, especially with celebrities such as Kim Kardashian sporting these looks every day. I then thought about whether she would have tried to conceal the burn with foundation, but thinking about the scientific side of it, she wouldn't be allowed to put anything on it because it is still healing. This also adds effect to the shock of seeing the scar for the viewer.

FaceChart 2-

This is my second face chart that I created for my burn victim. I decided for this character to not have used foundation. To contrast the idea of face chart one, I think the girl would not feel comfortable to go out into society. As acid attacks have a negative effect on not only the physical side but the psychological side, I think she would be too nervous to be in public. I would use a natural foundation base, but enhance her bags under her eyes, as I believe she would not be sleeping well, dreaming of the attacks. 

Looking back at these face charts, I would like to create number one, but also combine other ideas. I will complete my look from face chart one, then I will cover the scar with foundation, as if she is trying to conceal it. I would like to see how this changes the look, and changes the impact on the viewer. I am excited to create my look, but also very apprehensive, as I do not know how it will go. 

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