Tuesday 13 October 2015

Designing my burn

When it came to designing my burn, I had a lot to take into consideration. First steps were to recognise how the burn was done, in my case it was an acid attack. I had to research acid attack victims, where I noticed that about 90% of the time, the attacker would aim for the face, for one sole purpose. Over half of the attacks were from ex-lovers or someone hired by the ex-partners of the victims. The purpose of throwing the substance in their face was to permanently disfigure them, blinding them, and causing serious agony. It has vast effects on the victims, from physical to psychological, this is all part of the point of the attack, to change their lives in a negative way as much as possible. Many attackers believe that if they disfigure the face, then no one would want to be with them, and they would now be disabled for the rest of their lives. 
From determining that my burn was created by an acid attack, I decided that like the other victims, it too would be on the face. I had to think about the way the acid is thrown, usually in a upwards motion, towards the face. The victim would move her head away from the liquid, pulling away and changing the angle of her head, tilting it sideways, so that the liquid would come into contact with the side of her face.
All of the factors above made a difference to the placement, size, and the burn itself. Instead of basing my burn on secondary sources from the internet, I went on to sketch out what I had imagined in my head. I used images from the internet as a basis, but then took aspects such as textures, size, and shape from each image and drew my burn. My burn will not be as big as this burn in my drawing, but it benefitted me a lot to see the placement, as I now have what I was imagining on paper. 

My Wound

-Side of the face, on the cheekbone.

-Model is Lucy

How big?
-About 3 inches x 3 inches

How Old?
- 6 months

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