Tuesday 13 October 2015

SFX Health and Safety

When it comes to creating Special effects pieces, Health and Safety is key. In our first session, Sue went over some basic guidelines for us to follow.

-If any spray is being used such as Petrolease or Fixing Spray, this must be carried out by an open window to allow the excess product to be extracted. Breathing in any of these products could be harmful.

- Always tie your hair up so that no contamination can occur. Hair strands could fall out into your mould, which would be difficult to remove if it has begun to set.

-No jewellery. This is a basic Health and Safety rule when it comes to Makeup and Hair entirely. Jewellery can get caught on client, or in moulds.

-Wear black gloves when necessary. Always change gloves if you are dealing with a new product.

-No cross contamination. We are using Silicone A + B, which if come into contact together, create a bond and set. Always wear new gloves when handling each of them, as well as using new wooden spatulas. Cross contamination of these two products would result in the silicone setting, leading to you having to buy both new again.

- After using the silicones A + B, wipe down the sides with baby wipes, to stop any cross contamination occurring.

-Wear older clothes. Latex and silicone are impossible to remove from clothing, so either wear old clothing that wouldn't matter if they were to have latex/silicone spilt on them, or invest in an apron to wear.

-Store all products out of direct sunlight, in a cool place. Some products react with sunlight or raised temperature.

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