Tuesday 27 October 2015


Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of my first silicone prosthetic wound. What I have learnt during the project has been of great value to me, as I can use all of this knowledge in future, as I would like to go into the prosthetics/special effects industry. I have found this part of the project enjoyable, but stressful at the same time, due to the concentration of mixing the moulds, and not knowing whether the outcome will be useable. I am interested to continue on with this project, as I have many ideas for my human hybrid. Being able to create a creature that is a hybrid excites me, as there are no limits as to what we do, as long as it is a human cross species. The knowledge I have gained from the application and making of wounds is applicable to all different wounds, and also important when creating our hybrids, as we will also be using this method to create pieces for our hybrids. Things I would change if I were to complete a burn wound again, would be -
-Making sure I have taken all of the correct images of my burn. - I may have to redo my wound again to show images of it without the colouring.
-Changing the shape of my wound. - I think the wound could have looked more splattered onto the face like a liquid dripping down.
Altogether, I am proud of my final wound image, as I exceeded my own expectations as to what I could achieve.

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