Tuesday 17 November 2015

Anatomy of the head.

As my hybrid is going to be a cross between a human and a reptile, I needed to look at the anatomies of the human head, and that of the Regal horned lizard. I have decided to look at just the heads in this post, as I will be focusing on the head, and shoulders for my final look, so I need to know in depth about the build up of the head of both us and lizards.
When it comes to looking at the similarities between the human head and the lizard's head, the main element that jumps out at you is the fact that both creatures have two eyes, set into the skull, and both have jaws and sets of teeth inside them. However, it is the noses that are interesting. The nose of a human protrudes out of the face, whilst the lizards are just slits, hidden just above their mouths. 

When looking at how film directors made Voldemort, he was originally going to have prosthetic pieces on his face which hid his nose, but the look they gained made it seem as if the eyes of the actor were too set in the head. I think, if I were to try and hide the nose, it would lead to the same outcome. I want to be able to change the facial structure of my model to suit that of the lizards, but I do not think that changing the nose will benefit my look. I am going to hide the ears of my model under a bald cap, down to the fact that these Regal Horned Lizards do not have ears, just slits hidden by their horns. I am going to attempt to hide my model's ears under the bald cap and place a horn over it to fully conceal them. This will immediately have an effect on the viewer as ears are one of the first things that you see when you look at a person. 
The eyes of a horned lizard are totally black, I am interested in looking at buying some lenses to fully complete my look. I think it would be interesting for my hybrid to have either fully black eyes, or contacts that were slits, as it would be a mixture of the human pupil and eyes of a lizard. I am going to leave the mouth human like, but make the jaw seem wider to match that of a lizard using prosthetic pieces. The brow bone of my model will also be changed and hidden with prosthetic pieces, and I am going to use a large piece to change the brow bone to suit that of a lizards, making them less horizontal and much more upright. The spikes that run along the back of the head will be present in my look, as my hybrid will have to protect herself in the Brave New World. 

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