Tuesday 17 November 2015

Regal Horned Lizard

After confirming that I would like to use the Regal Horned Lizard as part of my Hybrid, I began thinking about what aspects I would like to include when designing. The most immediate part for me was the horns, as they make the horned lizard what it is. They are a reddish-brown tone, and make the lizard look feisty and dangerous. The spikes along it's face I would also like to include, as they will change the shape of the face massively. I may not have as many horns and spikes as the lizard does, as I would prefer to concentrate on making a small amount look realistic, than having too many and not being able to make them look real and effective. I am also going to make a piece that separates the eyes a little (gives that effect), and move the brow bone upwards to make the centre of the face look wider, and more lizard like. The colours I will use are the warm, dusty tones, and include flashes of red, which will show predators of my hybrids that my hybrid is dangerous.  I am not too sure on the the blood spurting out of the eye, I don't know whether this will add or take away from my hybrid. This is something I need to test out when it comes to designing and practising my makeup. As Horned Lizards are a symbol of strength, I want my model to look strong and empowered, as she has survived to see the New World.

There are many types of horned lizards, from which I could take aspects from when designing my hybrid. As I do not want all of the spikes, I could look at the P.Asio horned lizard, as they have many less spikes, which would be more practical for me when creating my hybrid. This way, I can still use a realistic image as a basis for the placement of the horns, and to make sure they are anatomically correct. 

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