Tuesday 17 November 2015

Inspiration for my Human Hybrid.

For people to understand my hybrid, I think it is important that I share my inspiration. Pinterest is one of the main sites that I use to find inspiration for projects, as it allows you to create a inboard where you can pin all of your inspirations and ideas too. You can even upload your own photographs to your pinterest board. Below are some of the images that I have found which have helped lead up to my final idea.

1. Horned Male Fairy - Mara Hernandez - Fantasy/Horror Photographer.
When I came across this image, I was interested in the way the horns were attached to the skin. I specifically liked their shape and placement, which let me to look at a Horned lizard rather than just a normal lizard. I thought that this would be a really good way to make my idea a little more different, as I did not know of a horned lizard before I started this Human Hybrid unit. I like how the horns are piercing through the skin, which makes them look sore but also as if they are the dark part of the model coming out of his skin. To me, it looks as if his body is being taken over by a dark creature, this is emphasised by the choice of location when taking this image.

2. Spines appearing down the back of a model - Youjin Lee - Artist
Originally when I came across this image, I thought that the artist had applied prosthetic spines down the back of a human model. When researching the South Korean Artist, I found that this was not the case. The model is a sculpture, referencing the inner creature inside ourselves. I thought that this was interesting as I did think that the image was of a female model. When thinking about my hybrid, I knew that I wanted to do a reptilian creature, so I was thinking about the creating a prosthetic pieces that would run down the back of my model. I wouldn't of wanted a small piece, It would have had to of been quite large like the image above for it to be 100% effective, but I don't think I would be able to make a piece that big out of just silicone. 

3. Fuller's Earth on the Hair - Alex Box - Makeup Artist.
This look inspired me mostly for the use of fuller's earth on the hair. I didn't realise that many artists had used fuller's earth or similar products in their makeup looks, but when I had typed into the search bar, Fuller's Earth came back with many examples. I would be using the fuller's earth on a bald cap to create the cracking effect, whereas Alex Box has used it straight onto the hair. It interested me that I could find inspiration in editorial photoshoots, which is so far away from my creature/fantasy shoot that I will be completing. 

4. Lizard/Woman Hybrid - Unknown Artist
I was very much influenced to choose the lizard/woman hybrid when it came to my design. I really loved this piece of work and was disappointed when I couldn't find the artist as I would have loved to look at her other pieces of work. I really liked how the artist has evened out the balance between the human half and lizard half, I think that this is something that I will have to think of when it comes to designing my hybrid. I really like the colours that have been used in this work, the dusty greens and browns make it look very realistic and very reptile-like. 

5. Scaly woman - Unknown Artist
With this piece of work, I specifically liked the way the scales are raised, and more 3 Dimensional. I would like to include more 3D pieces in my prosthetic work, even though we are creating flat moulds I think I could make a more 3D piece easily. I would like to create individual raised scales to make the piece look a lot more realistic.

6. Chameleon Woman - Blanche MacDonald - Makeup Student.
The part of this piece that inspired me to create a lizard hybrid was the brow bone structure she has created using prosthetic pieces. By changing the brow structure, it really affects the way the facial features are seen, causing the viewer to do a double take. I think this is a really effective way to change the features and make them more lizard like, which I will be attempting on my piece. 

7. The Regal Horned Lizard. 
One of the last images of my inspiration post is of the Regal Horned Lizard. This is the creature that has influenced me to create a hybrid of its species, due to how different this creature is to any others. I think that reptiles will be a common choice to create a hybrid of down to the texture of scales, but I think that this tiny creature is just so different to any other lizard. This lizard has horns that surround it's head, making it look fierce. I am really excited about creating my hybrid using the basis of a Regal Horned Lizard for it, as alone it is a very interesting creature to be combined with a human being.  

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