Sunday 29 November 2015

Hybrid Assessment Evaluation

Overall, I am pleased about how my Hybrid Assessment went. I am really pleased with the final look, even though I came across many challenges on the day. Firstly, I know that by misplacing my bald cap I could have been in a lot of trouble if it weren't for the support and helpfulness from another student and my tutor. As I went to the Prosthetics event a couple of days before the assessment, in theory I could have bought a replacement bald cap there, but I was silly enough not to check, because I was sure I had another one. This alone has taught me that I need to check I have the right products at least a week before practice or final looks. Looking back, I am pleased I wasn't getting wound up and stressed during the assessment, I think this is due to the fact that I have really enjoyed making up the prosthetic pieces and I wanted to see how they were going to turn out when applied to the face. I think that the front panel on the forehead was my favourite part of the look, as I had individually placed each of the scales into the mould, to make the piece a lot more 3 Dimensional. I was pleased with my second bald cap that I completed completely on my own, I managed to look back on my first and blend the areas more in the second, making the bald cap seamless. I particularly liked the way the horns went onto the bald cap, and my choice of covering the bald cap, I did not just paint it but I experimented with using different textures to create different effects. I think I may have rushed the colouring a little, as I was worried about timing but also became increasingly tired as the look went on, as it took me about 5 hours to complete fully. I think that I should have taken a bit of a break and came back to the look, but I was conscious about how my model was feeling, and ultimately I just wanted to see final outcome. I think this is something I am going to have to work on, but looking back I know where I went wrong. I am not disappointed with the colour, but feel I could have done a lot better particularly on the back of the head and the arms. I was conscious of the fact one of the horns kept falling off the head, I think was due to the fuller's earth not drying on the base, as there was a leak coming out of the bald cap where I had wet the hair down, and the water was gathering at the bottom and leaking out. I think that next time, if I were to do the look again I will definitely be gluing down the horns before the fuller's earth. I didn't this time mainly because I didn't want the fuller's earth to cover too much of the horn, and make them look smaller. I would love to do a look like this again, and will definitely be investing in the products to practice by myself.

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